Sterling Silver Whale Domed Pendant.
Whales are the largest living creatures on the planet and i think they are truely magestic. Whales roam throughout all the oceans. But sadly 6 of the 13 whale species are considered currenlty endangered or vulnerable.
A whale dome pendant was one of the first i designed and it was actually two whales in a ying yang style ( i must re make that one). I also have a humpback whale tail tattoed on my foot, alongside a starfish and a wave of course - i do love the ocean.
For now though a single whale to express my love of coastal and ocean waters. A domed Sterling Silver pendant with resin fill , sea blue in colour. The size is approx 1.8cm diameter. This sits beautifully on a 16in chain, although you can also purchase on a 18in chain.
Within the domed ocean range you will also find Starfish and Seahorses. Larger sizes are also avaliable in some designs on request.
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